Stelle in nur 5 Minuten eine komplette Bus Türsprechanlage für das Mehrfamilienhaus zusammen
1. Wähle Typ und Anzahl Innensprechstellen
2. Wähle Variante Torstation
2.1 Variante Einbaulautsprecher im Briefkasten
2.2.a Variante modulare Torstation für Unterputzmontag, Halterrahmen 2, 3, 4, 6 oder 9-Module
2.2.b Variante modulare Torstation für Aufputzmontage, Aufputzgehäuse 2, 3, 4, 6 oder 9-Module
2.2.1 Wähle Art Lautsprechermodul, mit oder ohne Taster, zu Variante modulare Torstation AP oder UP Montage
2.2.2 Wähle Art und Anzahl Tastenmodule 2 bis 5 Taster, zu Variante modulare Torstation AP oder UP Montage
2.2.3 Wähle optionale Module für Modulare Torstation
3. Wähle die Speisung
4. Wähle optionale Apparate für Innensprechstellen (Wohnung)
5. Wähle optionale Module für die Torstation (Aussensprechstelle)
6. Wähle zusätzliche Speisgeräte für erweiterte Ausführungen (Speisung)
Citofono intelligente con nota elettronica, pulsanti “apri-porta” e di “servizio” e con interruttore di “esclusione di chiamata”
CHF 0.00
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Citofono viva voce full duplex (specifico per sistemi VX2200) con pulsante di risposta/fine conversazione, pulsante “apri-porta” (durata programmabile), pulsante “Privacy” (durata programmabile), pulsante di servizio e 4 LED* per indicare lo stato di conversazione in corso, lo stato d’apertura/ chiusura della porta, lo stato di un servizio ausiliario e lo stato di abilitazione/disabilitazione del servizio privacy. Regolazione del volume della nota di chiamata e dell’altoparlante.
CHF 0.00
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Voice switched hands free intercom vandal resistant version with buttons to control “answer/end conversation/recall/simplex conversation”,“door open”,“privacy on/off”(programmable duration) and“service”button. In addition there are 4 LEDs* to indicate the status of “answer/end conversation”, “door open/closed”, “privacy on/off ” and auxiliary “service” status. Call tone and loudspeaker volume controls, through assigned buttons, are also incorporated on this model. It is possible to program the melody (9 available), the number of rings (max 9) and the privacy service duration (max 20 hours). Surface wall mount installation. The “service” button that is missing, is replaced by the “privacy” button that works also as a “service” button. Adjustments and programmable functions are the same but are carried out in a different way. This version is available flush mount only and included a 2.5mm brushed stainless steel face plate and flush box with security screws (no mounting plate required).
CHF 0.00
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Flush mount hands free audio intercom. All buttons use capacitive touch sensor technology, 4 of these buttons have multiple direct functions such as “answer/end conversation/recall/simplex
conversation”, “door open”, “privacy/call reject/programming menu access” (programmable duration) and “service” button. 4 LEDs give visual indication of operations while the other 4 buttons allow
navigation of the programming menu’s and the setting of volumes.
It is possible to program the melody (9 available), the number of rings (max 9) and the privacy service duration (max 20 hours). Also includes a local bell function.
CHF 0.00
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Wall flush mounting box for Kristallo® Series intercoms flush mounting version.
CHF 0.00
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Surface mount version with telephone handset hands free audio intercom. All buttons use capacitive touch sensor technology, 4 of these buttons have multiple direct functions such as “answer/end
conversation/recall/simplex conversation”, “door open”, “privacy/call reject/programming menu access” (programmable duration) and “service” button. 4 LEDs give visual indication of operations
while the other 4 buttons allow navigation of the programming menu’s and the setting of volumes.
It is possible to program the melody (9 available), the number of rings (max 9) and the privacy service duration (max 20 hours). Also includes a local bell function.
CHF 0.00
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"Speaker unit" front panel module for VX2200 digital system. 0 Call push buttons.
Module finishes: Aluminium and Stainless Steel
When ordering modules, suffix the product code with /A for aluminium or /S form stainless steel.
CHF 0.00
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Front support for flush mounting.
1 |
135 x 160 x 61 |
120 x 143 x 44 |
Available finishes:
CHF 0.00
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Front support for flush mounting.
2 |
135 x 280,2 x 61 |
120 x 263,2 x 44 |
Available finishes:
CHF 0.00
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3 |
135 x 400 x 61 |
120 x 383,4 x 44 |
Available finishes:
CHF 0.00
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SIZE WxHxD (mm) |
1 |
135 x 160 x 44 |
Available finishes:
When ordering other than standard finish, add to the product code “/C” to order the sky chrome finish or “/G” to order high brass finish.
CHF 0.00
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SIZE WxHxD (mm) |
2 |
135 x 280,2 x 44 |
Available finishes:
When ordering other than standard finish, add to the product code “/C” to order the sky chrome finish or “/G” to order high brass finish.
CHF 0.00
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SIZE WxHxD (mm) |
3 |
135 x 400,4 x 44 |
Available finishes:
When ordering other than standard finish, add to the product code “/C” to order the sky chrome finish or “/G” to order high brass finish.
CHF 0.00
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SIZE WxHxD (mm) |
4 |
270 x 280,2 x 44 |
Available finishes:
When ordering other than standard finish, add to the product code “/C” to order the sky chrome finish or “/G” to order high brass finish.
CHF 0.00
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
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SIZE WxHxD (mm) |
6 |
270 x 400,4 x 44 |
Available finishes:
When ordering other than standard finish, add to the product code “/C” to order the sky chrome finish or “/G” to order high brass finish.
CHF 0.00
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
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SIZE WxHxD (mm) |
9 |
405 x 400,4 x 44 |
Available finishes:
When ordering other than standard finish, add to the product code “/C” to order the sky chrome finish or “/G” to order high brass finish.
CHF 0.00
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
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Speaker unit front panel modules for VX2200 digital audio/video door entry systems (2 wire bus audio, 6 video).
0 Call push button.
CHF 0.00
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Speaker unit front panel modules for VX2200 digital audio/video door entry systems (2 wire bus audio, 6 video).
1 Call push button.
CHF 0.00
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Speaker unit front panel modules for VX2200 digital audio/video door entry systems (2 wire bus audio, 6 video).
2 Call push button.
CHF 0.00
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Button expansion module (single row). 2 call push buttons.
Button expansion modules (with single or double row buttons) are used together with audio or audio/video modules to achieve the required number of call buttons for a system. Each module has a terminal connection that house 2 terminals for each button: the buttons, depending on jumper settings, can have a common terminal or each button can have its own common. (to simplify the use when used with the 4203,4303N & 4283 on digital systems).
CHF 0.00
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Button expansion module (single row). 3 call push buttons.
Button expansion modules (with single or double row buttons) are used together with audio or audio/video modules to achieve the required number of call buttons for a system. Each module has a terminal connection that house 2 terminals for each button: the buttons, depending on jumper settings, can have a common terminal or each button can have its own common. (to simplify the use when used with the 4203,4303N & 4283 on digital systems).
CHF 0.00
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Button expansion module (single row). 4 call push buttons.
Button expansion modules (with single or double row buttons) are used together with audio or audio/video modules to achieve the required number of call buttons for a system. Each module has a terminal connection that house 2 terminals for each button: the buttons, depending on jumper settings, can have a common terminal or each button can have its own common. (to simplify the use when used with the 4203,4303N & 4283 on digital systems).
CHF 0.00
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Button expansion module (single row). 5 call push buttons.
Button expansion modules (with single or double row buttons) are used together with audio or audio/video modules to achieve the required number of call buttons for a system. Each module has a terminal connection that house 2 terminals for each button: the buttons, depending on jumper settings, can have a common terminal or each button can have its own common. (to simplify the use when used with the 4203,4303N & 4283 on digital systems).
CHF 0.00
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Blank module.
The blank module Art. 4840 is normally used to take the space of one module for future expansion or to complete the door station when needed.
CHF 0.00
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Information module.
The Information module Art. 4846 has a 85x110 mm window, protected by a polycarbonate shield that can be customized to show the street number or any other useful information.
CHF 0.00
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Codelock module.
100 codes / 3 Relays.
All the 4000 Series codelock modules can operate in stand-alone mode.
CHF 0.00
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CHF 0.00
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
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CHF 0.00
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CHF 0.00
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CHF 0.00
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CHF 0.00
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Table top desk kit for 3000 Series audio phones (except Smart line).
CHF 0.00
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Table desktop kit for 5000 Series surface mounting intercom complete with cable.
It's made in 3 mm brushed STAINLESS STEEL.
Dimensions: 116 X 169 X 120 mm.
CHF 0.00
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Table desktop kit for Kristallo® Series surface mounting intercom complete with cable.
It's made in 3 mm brushed STAINLESS STEEL.
Dimensions: 116 X 183 X 120 mm.
CHF 0.00
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Decorative wall plates for 5000 Series ECLIPSE line hands free intercoms. Available in two finishes: white CR044W and grey CR044G. The decorative wall plates do not require any fixing screws as the body of the intercom will secure the decorative plate when it is secured to its wall bracket/mounting plate
CHF 0.00
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Extension Sounder for digital system VX2200. Is connected directly to the “2 Wire Bus”. In white ABS plastic box 110x70x30 mm.
CHF 0.00
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Extension Relay for VX2200 powered by the “2 Wire BUS”. Relay contact 1A 125Vac Max. In white ABS plastic box 110x70x30 mm
CHF 0.00
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